Thursday, April 18, 2013

Boston Marathon's Most Amazing Acts of Bravery and Compassion

Almost nothing makes sense about the events of the Boston Marathon, except the moments that happened after the explosions. The subsequent outpouring of assistance and heroism proved what Patton Oswalt explained in his now-famous Facebook post from that day:

"...When you spot violence, or bigotry, or intolerance or fear or just garden-variety misogyny, hatred or ignorance, just look it in the eye and think, 'The good outnumber you, and we always will.'"

Nowhere is that more true than in these acts of bravery and compassion. If there?s one thing to glean from all this it?s that when tragedy hits, good people show up?and in Boston's case, they do it boldly, en masse, without the expectation of anything in return.

First Responders

Police and firefighters descended upon the scene of the explosions, but so did civilians, including volunteers, runners and spectators.

Marathoners Ran Passed the Finish Line

In fact, so much blood was donated, the local Red Cross announced that for the time being, they weren't in need of any more.

6,000 People Opened Their Homes and Their Cupboards circulated a massive Google Doc allowing anyone with room in their home or apartment to offer it to those in need of a place to stay. Over 6,000 locals signed up, promising free lodging, and in many cases, free meals and rides.



'We Are Not Afraid'

Locals poured out of the streets to offer help, like this gentleman who brought orange juice to waylaid marathoners.

Photo: Ramsey Mohsen/Instagram

And a multitude of area restaurants opened their doors, inviting in anyone who needed shelter, rest or food?whether they could pay or not.

Pizza Became a Symbol of Solidarity

Reddit's subcategory, Random Acts of Pizza, mobilized to fund free pies to anyone affected by the explosions, including first responders, hospitals, volunteers, displaced visitors, and anyone else in need.

Even the City's Arch Nemesis Pledged Its Allegiance

The long-standing rivalry between New York and Boston is the stuff of legend. But the cities put away the vitriol and trash talk for the time being. Despite being known as Boston's sworn enemy, NYC continues to express its support, most notably at Yankee Stadium, where the venue played ?Sweet Caroline?, a signature song of Boston's Fenway Park.

The Support Reaches Farther Than Our Shores

Photo: America Loves Iraq/Facebook

As far as Kabul, people have taken the time to let Bostonians know, they're not alone.

While we can't bring back those whom we've lost, we can still honor who they are by doing all that we can to take care of each other. If you're looking for ways to get involved, visit TakePart's Boston Marathon page to find out what you can do to help.

Are there other acts of bravery and compassion you witnessed that day that you think deserve some applause? Tell us about them in the Comments.

Related Stories on TakePart:

? Boston Marathon Explosions: How You Can Help

? Colbert: 'Whoever Did This Doesn't Know Sh** About the People of Boston'

? Japan Earthquake: Lessons From Disaster...and How to Help

A Bay Area native, Andri Antoniades previously worked as a fashion industry journalist and medical writer.??In addition to reporting the weekend news on TakePart, she volunteers as a webeditor for locally-based nonprofits and works as a freelance feature writer for? Email Andri | @andritweets?|


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